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Leo and Teo - Vampire 3 - web-2.jpg
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Dynamic Male Duo


Dynamic Male Duo


simply the best...

Mind-boggling Artistry and Athleticism!


More Fun Together

Stands Out Like a Million Dollar Hit!

More Fun Together

Stands Out Like a Million Dollar Hit!

more fun together...

Leo and Teo's fascinating performance careers have carried them to five continents, and over 70 countries. Leo hails from Brazil and Teo comes from NYC (via a farm in Ohio).
Their shared experience in circus and musical theater has led to an uncommon and celebrated pairing at NYC's hottest performance venues. In addition to their individual work as writers, directors, and choreographers, they have appeared in all forms of media and entertainment from film and television, to musical theater, concert tours, classical and experimental theater, dance, and over ten years each as international circus artists recognized for innovative aerial and ground acrobatics. 


Leo and Teo - Vampire 3 - web-2.jpg

Like Nothing You've Seen Before

Like Nothing You've Seen Before

Like Nothing you've seen before...

Great Feats of Daring at the Extreme Edges of Human Capabilities!